Schwarzkopf Fresh Light Foam Color: Lemon Blond

June 22, 2013

I've finally dyed my hair again after four months not dye it. Ahh~ imagine those four-month-old black roots. Cannot? Here's the pic.

From this angle, all I can see is black hair, while actually my hair color is light brown, with yellow-orange tone.

I usually prefer the usual cream hair dye not the foam dye, because I've ever tried Liese Prettia Foam Dye. It turned out good, evenly dyed my hair, but it faded after weeks. This time, yeah I just wanna experiment with this Fresh Light hair foam dye, so maybe I can compare with the Liese one.

Weeks ago, at the end of May, I went to Guardian to buy shampoo, facial wash, and other stuffs. I checked on the hair dye shelves, and saw they held discount sale for Fresh Light products, only IDR 69,999, and for the foam dye, only IDR 79,999. But that day, I felt I already bought much, and I didn't feel like I gotta dye my hair soon because I need to be interviewed for a job-You must know, interviewers don't like bright color hair. But I also don't know why I have such a silly thought like that because my hair is light brown. Light brown is light brown, though the roots are black-. So less then a week later, I went back to Guardian to buy hair dye. Guess what?! The discount was over. It was already June. The promo was valid only until May. Damn!

No choice. I brought one of those hair dyes to the cashier with a heavy heart. IDR 30,000 price difference was really significant. I could have two KFC Attack's meals with that money.

Lesson: Always grab all the discounted goods with no doubt!


Here's the Fresh Light Foam Color in Lemon Blond.

As always, I choose the lightest color I've seen.

The chart shows darker color than the color of Blythe's hair showed on the box. Blythe is the name of the doll, by the way. She's the model for Fresh Light hair dye.

Inside the box, there are:

1. Hair Color (numbered 1)
2. Developer (numbered 2)
3. Pump
4. Conditioner or After Color Treatment
5. Gloves
6. and, the Instruction Sheet

What's good from foam hair dye is the easy application.

1. Pour in the hair color (1) to developer (2). Mix it by shaking the bottle left and right. Do not shake it roughly to any directions. It will make the foam appear inside the bottle.
2. Set the pump and squeeze it to get the foam.

3. By wearing gloves, apply the foam dye to hair just like shampooing.
4. Wait 20-30 minutes (but I always leave it for an hour)
5. Rinse the hair and don't forget to apply conditioner.

Although it can be used  as easy as shampooing, I still think dividing hair into parts can help to make the color turns out even. And what I always do besides parting the hair is dyeing my roots first, then, I leave it for 10 minutes, after that, I continue to dye the rest of my hair.

The result is quite good. It covered my black root, though I think my black roots has grown to be stubborn one. I was satisfied with the first. But then, I feel disappointed because it fades so quickly. I postponed taking the result pic. Maybe after several days, I finally took the pic. Then I realized the color has faded a bit. 

As you can see, my roots stubbornly stay in the darkness side. Well, I think I should dye it again, next month maybe to make the hair color looks even.

Overall, I conclude that most the foam hair dye fades so quickly-but I think Liese Prettia is better than this-. However, the benefits of the foam dye is one box is more than enough to cover all of my hair, while one box of the usual cream hair dye do it pas-pasan. I even think one box is made for two people with medium-length-hair.

That's all. Bye!

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