Happy New Year. 2015 has left, 2016 has come. But first of all, happy birthday to my sister, Nia. She's 23 now.
I didn't go anywhere on new year's eve. Just spent the night at home, trying to spend my internet quota. On the last day of 2015, there's still 9GB to be spent. Of course, I wouldn't go out. Streaming and downloading videos are more tempting.
I remember, back then when 2014 changed to 2015, I said I like fireworks so much. Well, now, I still like it, but I kinda want something more calming and not smoky at all. I actually wanted to plan my new year's eve to go to temple or hike up the mountain. But I ended up spending it at home, browsing internet. It's still quite the same, right? Because I was still away from the crowd. Hahahaha.
Speaking about 2016, I think this year I need to focus on one and two things I'm doing right now, promise myself to be more fit and try to exercise every day, and spend more time to explore. More importantly, I want to update my blog and social media more often. Because I realized I wasn't really active in 2015.
So, hope 2015 will be a great year for us.