It's February already. Woah..time goes so fast.
How 2013 has gone so far? For me, it's going well, sooo well. I can feel this year's gonna be a good starter for such a passionate life. Haha.. I hope so.
People usually consider new month as a perfect time to try a new thing. On this February, how about a new eyebrow? LOL!
Yes! I bleached my eyebrow. I don't know why but people tend to be freaked out whenever I say I'm gonna bleach my eyebrow; my sister, my friends; even they don't think I'm serious. But I'm super serious!
Since I dyed my hair, my eyebrow had been a problem. I didn't like this hairy black thick eyebrow. It didn't suit my hair at all. Even it gave ridiculous look, so I used to cover it with my bangs. And then, I found how to bleach eyebrow on the internet.
People tend to think bleaching is same as shaving eyebrow till bald, you will have no eyebrow if bleach it, and it's gonna be ridiculous. But, no actually, it even won't given any significant change. The bleach just adjusts the color to match the hair color.
Few weeks ago, I bleached my eyebrow with Jolen, which I bought at Watsons. It's a creme bleach for face and body hair. Actually, I wanted Sally Hansen Creme Hair Bleach, because I saw many suggest that product on the internet, but I can't found it in any Watsons in Indonesia. So I ended up buying Jolen.
Inside the box, there are creme, accelerator, a spatula, a small rectangle flat thing as tray, and instruction.
Before using it, this product suggest me to do allergic test. Mix a small amount of creme with the accelerator with ratio 1:2, if there's a half teaspoon of creme, so there's a quarter teaspoon of accelerator. Apply it on inner part of arm, the part without body hair. Leave it for 10 minutes, wash it, and just wait for 24 hours. If there's redness, itchiness, or even something worse, Jolen should not be used.
Luckily, nothing happens to me after 24 hours. So here I go, able to make this post. Hoho..
The application is same like doing allergic test. Mix those two things with the ratio 1:2. I'm quite sure everyone needs more creme to bleach than to do allergic test. So just adjust with the need.
Pour the accelerator.
And add creme.
Mix them
I apply them not only to my eyebrow but also to my mustache. Errr~ did I have one? No actually, but it kinda gave dark spot there because the hair is longer than other parts of my face, right?! So I gave it a try. Also to entire forehead. LOLOL...cause I have annoying anak rambut.
Wild pouted Colonel Sanders appear...
This is my half-face pic. Focusing on eyebrow, the left one is before pic, the middle one is after first application, and the last is after second application.
See! Not too much significant changes, but it's clear that my eyebrow is getting lighter, and it means a lot to me. No more ridiculous black brow. When makeup time, now my eyebrows can be blended perfectly with brown eyebrow pencil that I have.
How 2013 has gone so far? For me, it's going well, sooo well. I can feel this year's gonna be a good starter for such a passionate life. Haha.. I hope so.
People usually consider new month as a perfect time to try a new thing. On this February, how about a new eyebrow? LOL!
Yes! I bleached my eyebrow. I don't know why but people tend to be freaked out whenever I say I'm gonna bleach my eyebrow; my sister, my friends; even they don't think I'm serious. But I'm super serious!
Since I dyed my hair, my eyebrow had been a problem. I didn't like this hairy black thick eyebrow. It didn't suit my hair at all. Even it gave ridiculous look, so I used to cover it with my bangs. And then, I found how to bleach eyebrow on the internet.
People tend to think bleaching is same as shaving eyebrow till bald, you will have no eyebrow if bleach it, and it's gonna be ridiculous. But, no actually, it even won't given any significant change. The bleach just adjusts the color to match the hair color.
Few weeks ago, I bleached my eyebrow with Jolen, which I bought at Watsons. It's a creme bleach for face and body hair. Actually, I wanted Sally Hansen Creme Hair Bleach, because I saw many suggest that product on the internet, but I can't found it in any Watsons in Indonesia. So I ended up buying Jolen.
Inside the box, there are creme, accelerator, a spatula, a small rectangle flat thing as tray, and instruction.
Before using it, this product suggest me to do allergic test. Mix a small amount of creme with the accelerator with ratio 1:2, if there's a half teaspoon of creme, so there's a quarter teaspoon of accelerator. Apply it on inner part of arm, the part without body hair. Leave it for 10 minutes, wash it, and just wait for 24 hours. If there's redness, itchiness, or even something worse, Jolen should not be used.
Luckily, nothing happens to me after 24 hours. So here I go, able to make this post. Hoho..
The application is same like doing allergic test. Mix those two things with the ratio 1:2. I'm quite sure everyone needs more creme to bleach than to do allergic test. So just adjust with the need.
Pour the accelerator.
And add creme.
Mix them
I apply them not only to my eyebrow but also to my mustache. Errr~ did I have one? No actually, but it kinda gave dark spot there because the hair is longer than other parts of my face, right?! So I gave it a try. Also to entire forehead. LOLOL...cause I have annoying anak rambut.
Wild pouted Colonel Sanders appear...
After 10 minutes, I didn't think I achieve the color so I repeated the process. Twice process is enough for me, but if hair is blonde, I think five times should be enough 0.o
This is my half-face pic. Focusing on eyebrow, the left one is before pic, the middle one is after first application, and the last is after second application.