It's Summer Time! Though almost every day is summer here, I cannot ignore the happiness when the northern part of the world celebrate their long-lasting sunshine. Thing that I like most from celebrating summer is the summer collection from so many clothing shops in every mall. It never fails to make me enjoying window shopping more than usual. I like bright colors! This...
I rarely make the post about skincare, but if I do, that skincare must work really well on me. Trust me! I'll guide you to the right path. This post is about the famous skincare brand from Korea, Dr.Jart+. One of the series from Dr.Jart+ is called Most Moist. This line of products is created to keep our skin moisture for 24 hours....
Jadi, semingguan yang lalu, saya dapat mention di twitter, juga di facebook, dari Ulul yang nominasiin saya buat Liebster Award-nya. Udah ga asing sih sama award ini, karena udah beberapa kali ditag blogger-blogger lain yang bahkan belum saya kenal. Tapi saya selalu males buat ngeresponnya-gomenasai (ã‚·_ _)ã‚·-. Alasan utamanya, karena saya merasa bakalan terpaksa bikin post dalam bahasa Indonesia. Saya nggak pede buat nulis...