Life and Me

Welcoming 2022

2021 is the toughest year of my life. Mau buat pengakuan deh di blogpost ini. Sebenernya kalau bisa digambar pake grafik, sebelum covid menyerang, pikiran tuh udah gundah gulana, udah semrawut, grafik kebahagiaan tuh mulai turun. Lalu tahun 2020, pas si covid datang, realita seluruh dunia malah jadi cocok sama pikiran yg semrawut itu. Ya sama-sama semrawut. Puncaknya di 2021, things are not getting...

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Life and Me

Self-quarantine Live: How I Cope with Covid-19 Pandemic

How are you? Apa kabar? Kayaknya pertanyaan di atas jadi pertanyaan paling penting di masa-masa sekarang ini. Saya termasuk orang yang jarang banget nanya kabar, ga pernah basa-basi. Tapi mungkin harus mulai dibiasain. Karena 'apa kabar' sekarang ini bukan semata basa-basi. Orang-orang pasti seneng ditanya kabarnya. Mungkin juga kita perlu nanyain apa kabar lho ke diri sendiri. Lalu, apa kabarnya diriku? Ini sudah...

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Life and Me

2019 -> 2020

Apa yang dibilang orang-orang itu bener ternyata, "time really does fly when are getting older". Baru kemarin tahun baru, lalu tau-tau 2019-nya selesai sudah, dan....yayy tahun baru lagi. Di blog tahun lalu, saya tulis, "2018 was tough". Dan ternyata 2019 terasa lebih tough lagi. Yang saya pengenin dari tahun lalu sebenernya ga berubah: ketentraman dan kedamaian. Mungkin, tahun kemarin itu saya terlalu banyak nyalahin...

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Life and Me

2018 -> 2019

Well, long time no see, my blog! It's 2019 already! A new year new me resolution, and a new blog update, started in the second month of 2019. For me, every year is a year of learning. Major lessons 2018 had taught me was about how to not take everything personal and how to eliminate negative thoughts. I'm not gonna say I've completely...

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From A Year Ago

This post has been in my draft since 6 months ago. The pictures have been in my drive since a year ago. So let me post this one here on my blog. I really like all pictures. Taken when I was caught by Pokemon GO fever. At that time, Ciwalk felt like my second home, LOL! ❤ anggielian ...

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Fire Rooster

It's been a week after the CNY, but I still can say 'Happy New Year', right?! Okay, so happy New Year. Have a prosperous year of fire rooster. I managed to take a day off on January 27 and went back to Jakarta early in the morning to catch up the praying time. My grandma always does the same routines every year, arranging...

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Contact Lens Review: EOS Luna Brown

When I was searching for the next contact lens-to-buy, I intended to find a comfy one with very natural appearance that made it wearable for daily office makeup. I have been working at my current job for a year, and I didn't remember that I ever tried to look 'pretty' at work. I self-proclaimed that I am (or was) a beauty blogger, but...

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#BandungLife: Rasa Bakery dan Cafe

Visited Rasa Bakery and Cafe about a  month ago after my weekly Zumba session. This place reminded me a lot of Ragusa in Jakarta, where you can find homemade ice cream. The vintage vibe it has assured me about their resemblance. The menu they offer is different though. And also, while Ragusa feels homey, Rasa somehow feels classy. I ordered the ice cream:...

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Winter Look

I was pretending to enjoy winter in my country, even though the reality made me sweating. It's more than 32°C at that time, hahaa. Purchased the new contact lenses named More Latin Honey, this was the first time I tried them. The color is so bright which I like so much, even though I didn't feel really comfortable wearing them.  And because the lenses...

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Life and Me


Happy New Year. 2015 has left, 2016 has come. But first of all, happy birthday to my sister, Nia. She's 23 now. I didn't go anywhere on new year's eve. Just spent the night at home, trying to spend my internet quota. On the last day of 2015, there's still  9GB to be spent. Of course, I wouldn't go out. Streaming and downloading...

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Only two days left before 2016. I felt like a lot of things happened this year. Days went so fast, but when I recalled a certain event, I couldn't believe that just happened few months ago. Last semester I was still struggling to finish my study, but it felt like a long time ago, seriously. What kind of feeling is this? As the...

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