
EOS Blytheye Blue

If I need to talk about contact lenses, it seems like I always mention EOS. In my opinion, EOS, so far is the best choice for both aesthetics and comfort reasons. Plus, it's not pricey at all. Glad that my eyes are really comfortable with this brand. Usually, people tend to avoid bright lenses because they're not confident to wear it. So do...

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artsy makeup

Koichi ‘Theatrical Blue-Black' Makeup

These past months, I've been really attracted to a visual kei band named Mejibray. I admit that the first time I saw Mejibray, I liked MiA, the guitarist, and I found out that his skill is also amaaaazzzziiinnnngg. Then I dug more about this band, searching their songs, the MVs, lyrics, and meanings, also knowing more about their members, until I became obsessed...

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Mudik 2014

Here, in Indonesia, there's a yearly ritual on Lebaran Days, called Mudik. It means going back to hometown to be with family to celebrate Idul Fitri. I've been used to do Mudik since I was a kid. My Mom lived in Central Java before moving to Jakarta. That's why many relatives of hers live there. I used to see Mudik as an adventure....

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