Several days ago, I saw on my fb timeline, a lot of people shared the links of an article about 'don't call girls pretty' or 'don't call your daughter pretty'. Oh yeah, pretty much amount of people shared that. But still cannot be compared to the ones share the links related to president election. Here's the link, for the one who wants to read...
I've been following Tokyo Fashion since years ago, and I think I will never get tired of it. One of the style that be mentioned frequently is decora. This style is extremely fun, looks so cheerful and colorful. But for the ones who lack of sense of art & fashion, this style can be so disturbing to their eyes. LOL! Got the pic...
It's June 15th! It's my birthday! Time really goes so fast. I'm getting older!! I supposed to make wishes? Okay, here I start! I wanna live happily, having my own house and decorating it with my own style, stuffing everything I like in there. A koi pond is needed. I wanna buy lotsa cute things, some fashion items, and post many from-head-to-toe...
Brazil..Brazil..Brazil That country is getting so much attention these days because of World Cup 2014 that will start...days from now *feel so excited*. No wonder if everything we meet will 'taste' like Brazil. L'Occitane will launch their newest collection with Brazilian theme: L'Occitane Au Bresil. As the name has indicated, the product is made in Brazil. On May 28th, I was invited to...
Real excitement comes when you're finally able to step in a place when you can see all about your unreal idols everywhere. Hatsune Miku just came to Indonesia on May 28th and 29th 2014. She also performed in her concert in Cendrawasih Hall, JCC, even though I didn't watch her. I'm still new in the Vocaloid world. I have no idea about the...