
Hello 2014

December 31, 2013

Another year has been passed. 2013 just went away like that without leaving me something nice to be remembered, or even something awful or very terrible to be laughed at. A dull year,...or a dull me. This year, I've just been sitting at the same spot and bitterly watching everyone's going to their own next level of life.

I realized I even didn't write or tell resolutions for 2013. Back then, I thought it was too mainstream to tell a whole world what are you going to do in the new year. It's not everyone's business, right?! Why must tell everyone?! Who the hell cares?!

As the result of my cockiness here, I even don't remember what are my resolutions back then, and why I have not achieved anything now. FML, right?!

And now, I'm gonna be mainstream, I'm gonna be annoying, because I'm gonna tell you (whoever read this) my resolutions for this year specifically.


1. Get my bachelor degree. This one must be my priority for this year, and must be checked as soon as possible, on May I hope. Pretty, pretty please, God and Goddess!
2. Right after graduation, go abroad and start studying something new. I've been planned this for almost two years but get stuck on my to-do-list because I haven't given a check mark for the point no. 1!!!

1. Keep half of my income every month or week in my treasure box. I've considered a piggy bank instead but treasure box seems cooler.
2. Getting more focused in business I've done. This one has some serious targets to be achieved this year. Cannot tell here, company's secret. Hohoho
3. As for NUWA, I also want to be more serious. Must diligently promote this online shop. Yeah, like NUWA's page, and stay tune for new collection to be uploaded on January! I really consider to have a store this year in Jakarta.

Fakdisyit! Next..

1. Do exercise every morning. 2014 for flat tummy and skinny legs!
2. Eat healthy. I went diet and it resulted nothing because I only stand to not eat too much for couple of days and the next day I'll put soooo much things into my mouth. I have such a huge monstrous appetite. Therefore, I think I just need to keep an eye on calories I've consumed every day and change menu from carbo to fruits or veggies. 2014 for flat tummy and skinny legs!

1. Dye hair. Ahhh~ I've missed my dyed hair so much. I think I will start to dye my hair ash, and then go for wild colors next, orange maybe.
2. Do routine purchase for beauty stuffs and fashion. 2014 for stylishly dressing up!

1. Learn how to swim. LOL! But seriously!
2. Learn how to drive a car, but not use a car in every moments. Just need to know how to drive it. Just in case.
3. Get back to continue my writing hobby and be a super rich like JK Rowling. I've been having this hobby for a decade and not even have a single finished work (lame!). Maybe I can finished two novels for 2014, and many short stories.

1. Write at least 10 posts per month.
2. Get 150,000 pageviews or more.
3. Go to events and make some friends there.
4. Get a new camera for a better quality picture for my blog. Need to save so much money in my treasure box.
5. Related to my writing skill resolution, I'm going to post a very short story here on my blog every month, and it will be in English.


Yosh! That's all I think what I need to write here. I don't know maybe tomorrow I'm gonna regret it and mock my self for being like a teen girl who post resolutions on her own blog. But too late, it's gonna be posted on 11.55 P.M. (who read blog on new year's eve?!). I will bookmark it and let's see how much I've checked in the end of 2014.

Happy new year everyone!

stolen the most childish one from Google Image photo.elsoar.com

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