
Black Hair

Hi there! I announce you that I'm back to black! Black hair, I mean. After more than a year having light brown hair, I've finally decided to dye my hair back to black. Why?! Because one day, my...umm...boss(?!)/supervisor(?!)...whoever he is...looked at me for such a long time, and then he approached me and said, "If you wanna go work again, dye your hair...

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Movie Time! with Kiehl's

On June 21st, I went to Pacific Place, Jakarta, to attend Movie Time! that was held by Kiehl's Indonesia. We were gonna watch Man of Steel. Superman yayy! Thanks sis Carnellin for the invitation, and of course thanks to Kiehl's. Outfit of the day: Nothing special, just wearing red red red. I asked my sister, Alin, to accompany me going to the event. But,...

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Fully Thought

About the Haze

Everyone must know about the DISASTER that happens recently. Yes, the forest burning that takes place in Sumatera, Indonesia, affects other countries; Singapore and Malaysia. The wind brings the hazardous haze to those countries, attacking everyone who's still breathing. Even I hear that the haze has reached Thailand. Although I live in Jakarta which isn't affected by this haze, I feel like...I want...

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Life and Me

(Shopping) Wonderland

Last Thursday, my family and I went to Grand Indonesia. At the Ground Floor, we saw this wonderland. I thought we need to pay to enter it, but then, when we asked the boy in charge there, he said "Because it will be closed in a few minutes, it's free to enter." What?! O-kay. So we entered. Mumpung gratis. Sorry for blur pics....

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Schwarzkopf Fresh Light Foam Color: Lemon Blond

I've finally dyed my hair again after four months not dye it. Ahh~ imagine those four-month-old black roots. Cannot? Here's the pic. From this angle, all I can see is black hair, while actually my hair color is light brown, with yellow-orange tone. I usually prefer the usual cream hair dye not the foam dye, because I've ever tried Liese Prettia Foam Dye....

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Deary Diary

It's June 15!

And it means................it's my birthday! Ahh~ I'm 23 now. I just hope everything I have planned will be going well without such a heavy odds. Birthday, now, feels like a deadline. It feels like a day when I need to have achieved something in my life. 20+ syndrome I think. People usually make resolutions on their birthday, listing what to do for a...

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Ulzzang Eye Makeup

When people see my selca or selfie pic, most of them will say, 'You look so Korean!'. No offense! But for me, I don't like being told like a Korean. Maybe because I'm not into Korean style. Yeah I know most of my makeup stuff comes from Korea. It's simply because Korean product has good quality and good price, and also easy to...

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