
Inacraft 2013

May 10, 2013

It will be nonsense if I say 'Hey, how are you? Long time no see' coz I know yeah...M.I.A here, on my blog. And now I'm not gonna make such a long intro with regret murmurs of neglecting blog and also no promises to update more. No...I won't. But that doesn't mean I won't do updates anymore. I just feel silly to keep making and breaking promises.

Last April, I worked at Inacraft, again, for the second time. Inacraft is the largest handicraft exhibition in Indonesia. It's held every year, and this 2013 is the 15th.

Always takes place in Jakarta Convention Center, Senayan, and is always crowded. This year, even from the first day, the crowd was already amazing. By the way, Inacraft is held for five days, 24-28 April this year. Since the first day is always Wednesday and the second day is Thursday, usually not many people will come, but when weekend comes the visitors booms in.

But not this year. It was really crowded since the first day, and in the weekend...I could not walk around without bumping many bodies. People, people are everywhere. I even need to queue for such a long time to pee. Toilets are so crowded. -____-"

At the main lobby, visitors would see 'reog' a traditional mascot of East Java. Every year, Inacraft brings up different theme from different provinces in Indonesia. 2013 was East Java's. However, it doesn't mean only East Java's handicraft that will be exhibited. Actually, only main lobby that is affected by the theme. When coming to the other parts of JCC, Bali's ceramics, Pekalongan's batik, and etc still can be seen and shopped. 

By the way, here, the receptionists on duty at Cenderawasih Hall; me and Risty.

We worked with this desk and microphone sets during those five days. 

Lil' bit boring; sitting there, helping confused visitors, and announcing some important thing. But still could steal time to walk around JCC and take a look at many fabulous handicrafts.

Haha! I said MANY handicrafts, but only the pic of those bags that I have. Last day of Inacraft, in purpose, I brought my phone to go to the toilet. I wanted to take some pics during my 'break'. But, when I came to the booth that sold miniatures of food, colorful windmill (since the first day, I'd targeted it to be my photo object), I was shocked coz there was a note written 'DO NOT TAKE A PHOTO'. Fed-up, I was leaving and going back to my desk, ignoring any other booths.

That's the story.

So, instead of giving you colorful and amazing pictures of handicrafts exhibited in Inacraft, I'm gonna give you a view from our desk.

Not that bad, at least there are two booths.


All who come often to JCC must know that the temperature is crazily cold, and so that day. The Air Conditioner was the killer. It froze me to nearly dead!!

The pic was taken at our first hours working. Later, I really couldn't be separated from my cardigan. I felt so hard to move my body. Frozen. Luckily, we moved to the warmer area outside the hall, between the lobby and Cenderawasih Hall, for the rest of the day, until day 5. Pheww! It felt like being in a fridge inside that hall. I thought I'm gonna quit if I was placed inside. Seriously!


This pic was when the singers sang 'Poco Poco'. See how famous this traditional song, the visitors also joined to dance along.

And this pic, our level 6 spicy ramen.

Seeing how red the sauce makes me drooling right now. It's really spicy though!


We got the merchandise, Inacraft mug.

And on last day, I got a chance to do shopping. Bought Narwastu body butter and body lotion simply because they held promo, buy 1 get 2. I, actually, didn't plan to buy anything. 

Narwastu is from Surabaya, by the way. They sell fragrance and body care, things that relate to spa and relaxation. I love the smell of their Jasmine body butter a lot!

And....that's all. Five days on Inacraft has been over.

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